Board of Directors

Rick Maguire
Chairman, Board of Directors
Rick is an Executive Coach and Strategic Growth Advisor. He brings a strategic mind, a compassionate heart, and wisdom gained from an extraordinary breadth and depth of life experience to the people and organizations he works with as a coach and strategic advisor. As a consultant, Rick has advised Fortune 500 companies (Nike, Wells Fargo) on strategies and architectural approaches to leverage digital technologies for competitive advantage. Rick lives with his wife, Trish, and the three youngest of their seven children on Bainbridge Island, Washington.

Gary D. Scott
Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors
Gary D.Scott, BSME, MBA, Vice-President, Hospital Services, The University of Vermont Medical Center. Gary Scott has spent the last 10 years coming to Uganda as a Missionary. He calls Uganda his second home. He lives with his beautiful family in Dallas, Texas, and is passionate about Youth and Women empowerment.

Melissa Pack
Board Member, Seattle, Washington
Melissa Pack is a Freelance Writer and Communications Professional. She currently writes for and manages the blog for Ethical Storytelling. Her writing has been featured in such publications as How Matters and The Mighty. Melissa has worked in the fields of Philanthropy, Global Development, and Human Services for the last 10 years. She’s worked with nonprofits such as One Day’s Wages, Village Volunteers, and The Center for African Education. She’s a believer in the idea that humility and vulnerability are the storyteller’s greatest assets. You can follow her writing at @melissapackwrites.