Areas to Give

We have several key areas and programs where your donations are crucial to directly supporting our work.

A group photo of LeadMinds Africa students.

Impact Fund

A gift to the Impact Fund can be used wherever opportunities or needs arise, whether in Uganda or here in the US; it allows LeadMinds Africa to be the most responsive when we need to be. We believe the Impact Fund is the most strategic and timely investment you can make.

A small group of students at their desks huddled around a lecturer.

Your gift to LeadMinds Africa makes the developing of young leaders in Uganda possible.

Thank you for investing in the future of Uganda and Africa!


Students engaging in a guided discussion in a circle.

Annual Leadership Summit

Your gift makes it possible to organize a leadership summit every year for 200 young leaders selected from different high schools across Uganda.

Leadership students smiling with their arms around each other.

Minds2Lead Program

We implement a values-based leadership curriculum that supports young people to discover who they are and become part of a long-term network of like-minded individuals that bring about change in their communities.

A single student smiles and waves at the camera.

Scholarship Program

Our scholarship fund makes it possible for young people in Uganda especially girls to receive high quality education that makes it possible for them to transform their lives, get jobs, support their families, and become leaders who transform their communities and contribute to the progress of their countries

A LeadMinds Africa mentor talking with students outside.

Mentorship Program

Our mentorship program makes it possible to match young people with mentors who support their personal growth through developmental relationships
